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Well, another year is now well underway, and we can’t wait to see what it holds for us, and what God has in mind to do. As we began the year, we also began a new semester teaching courses at St. Petersburg Seminary and Yeshiva. [That makes 32 years we’ve both been doing this!] In keeping with this, we wanted to share some comments we recently received from several of our present students.

So much information! I really love the depth and fresh perspective you offer.

I can’t express my full appreciation for this program. It is much desired and much needed. I so much appreciate the program’s design and scholarship. Wonderful! Great job! Of all the alternative programs with different affiliations my preference is for yours.

Thank you so much for all the precious gems you bring to class and for always coming to class so prepared. I thoroughly enjoy the class and, unfortunately, your sense of humor (sic pun-ishment).

We also heard from Damon, who was a student a number of years ago. He was an excellent student with a wonderful personality who has stayed in touch with us from time to time. He wrote:

I have not forgotten to complete my coursework and would also like to talk to you about the possibility of connecting a few churches to SPS&Y [St. Petersburg Seminary and Yeshiva] that would like to make their campuses extensions of learning for their ministers. I have done a great deal of extensive teaching and traveling throughout the Caribbean, and pastors and believers alike everywhere are incredibly hungry to understand the Jewish context of Scripture. I always speak highly of my training at SPS&Y and would love to help build the student body and complete a doctoral degree there myself. I’ll call you once I’m back in the States.

Friends, you have been an important part of this through all these years! Thank you so very much.

Thank you, too, for being part of training leaders who will impact the lives of many others across the country and around the globe. (Remember, most of the Seminary and Yeshiva courses are available as distance courses for those who either simply want to learn more or who wish to earn a degree. These include courses such as:

  • The Torah

  • The Jewish Roots and Foundations of Scripture

  • The Gospels in their Jewish Context

  • The Epistles from a Jewish Perspective

Your involvement and investment make a significant impact on many people’s lives around the world.

We want to thank you because by partnering with us you help make this ministry possible. Without your faithful financial and prayer support, the events we share with you could not take place.

Most warmly in our Messiah,

John and Patrice

P.S. Remember to start planning now to join us in Israel in June 2016!

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